March 23, 2013

This weekend, tune in to State of Belief, Interfaith Alliance’s weekly radio show and podcast, to hear a special word from Welton about the state of State of Belief, to learn about the [...]

January 7, 2012

Sarah Posner, senior editor at Religion Dispatches Magazine, discuss her recent article exploring the coordinated push by American Catholic Bishops to redefine the term “religious [...]

May 10-11 2008

Today…an Evangelical Manifesto. Yes, that’s right…Manifesto. Earlier this week, a handful of Christian scholars and leaders convened in Washington, D.C. to announce their united efforts to [...]

October 16, 2010

Dan Savage, on his new online “It Gets Better” project, aimed at reaching LGBT youths in the aftermath of the recent surge in suicides among gay young people. He is also a writer. [...]

Politics > Policy?

Many observers of Washington and the state of our national political system today are concerned about the lack of important legislation passed by our elected representatives in Congress. Are [...]

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