In an alternate universe, Jesus Christ has returned and is appalled by what he sees among humankind. That alternate universe is titled Second Coming, a comic series by Mark Russell and Richard [...]
Throughout Black History Month, we usually look back to remember the leaders of the past. On questions of civil and minority rights, we are likely living in historic times in our own right. And [...]
Nearly four years after the Supreme Court ruled in the landmark civil rights case Obergefell v. Hodges, making marriage equality the law of the land, multiple state legislatures across the [...]
It’s a bird. It’s a plane. It’s… Jesus?! This week on State of Belief, Interfaith Alliance’s weekly radio show and podcast, we’ll learn about a controversial comic book that wants to look [...]
A Word from Welton about the Supreme Court giving its blessing to the execution of a Muslim convict without the presence of an appropriate faith leader – a final dignity routinely granted [...]
For decades, Bawa Jain has worked as a peacemaker and interfaith activist, tackling some of the world’s biggest challenges. He served as secretary-general of The Millennium World Peace Summit of [...]
For the past five years, the Rev. Amanda Henderson has served as the executive director of Interfaith Alliance of Colorado. She was recently named one of the leading 15 disruptors and [...]
A new investigation has uncovered approximately 700 cases of sexual abuse within the Southern Baptist Convention over the course 20 years. The investigation has implicated nearly 400 Southern [...]
There seem to be so many crises and emergencies all at at once these days, that it’s difficult not to feel overwhelmed. Despite best intentions, many of us are left to wonder, “what can one [...]
A new book, Our Muslim Neighbors: Achieving the American Dream, An Immigrant’s Memoir, takes an empathetic look at life for Muslims in this country. Author Victor Begg discusses the impact that [...]