Interreligious cooperation can start with learning about, and appreciating, differences and commonalities among members of different faith traditions. But at its best, the movement can then [...]
In a nutshell: under current law, Pastor Smith is welcome to personally endorse a political candidate, work for her election, or even run for office himself. What Pastor Smith cannot do under [...]
It’s not news that Florida pastor, mustache pioneer and relentless self-promoter Terry Jones is once again making noises about staging a Qur’an burning to mark the anniversary of 9/11. But this [...]
This weekend on State of Belief, a breakdown of the complicated issue of attempts to end the ban on political endorsements by tax-exempt nonprofits; one group’s prayerful response to [...]
On the next State of Belief Radio – Political endorsements: do they have a place in the pulpit? A recent report from the Commission on Accountability and Policy for Religious Organizations says [...]
I don’t debate today with members of the flat earth society – that issue’s closed; you know, it’s not one that anybody wants to debate. I don’t debate about whether [...]
Over 70 years ago, a brave young woman was among the first African-Americans to defy threats from the Ku Klux Klan and Jim Crow-era literacy tests, and successfully register to vote in North [...]
As New York Civil Liberties Union Senior Staff Attorney Alexis Karteron tells us, the NYCLU isn’t against “Stop and Frisk” – it’s against the profiling and the subsequent damage to individuals [...]
17-year-old civil rights activist Ruby Sales didn’t have time to think, that hot August day in 1965 in Fort Deposit, Alabama. She’d gone to buy sodas for fellow members of the Student Nonviolent [...]
This weekend, tune in to State of Belief to hear from civil rights activists working hard today to bring the promise of the 1963 March on Washington to fruition – even in the face of new threats [...]