This weekend, tune in to State of Belief to hear from civil rights activists working hard today to bring the promise of the 1963 March on Washington to fruition – even in the face of new threats and setbacks.
Bloody Friday in Alabama
17-year-old civil rights activist Ruby Sales didn’t have time to think, that hot August day in 1965 in Fort Deposit, Alabama. She’d gone to buy sodas for fellow members of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee and supporters, just released from a week in prison, when Tom Coleman fired his shotgun at the group. 26-year-old Episcopal seminarian and activist Jonathan Daniels pushed Sales out of the line of fire, taking the shot – and dying instantly. The tragedy set Sales on a lifetime course of social and spiritual activism, and her story is one you have to hear on this 50th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Justice.
Stopping Stop and Frisk
As New York Civil Liberties Union Senior Staff Attorney Alexis Karteron tells us, the NYCLU isn’t against “Stop and Frisk” – it’s against the profiling and the subsequent damage to individuals and communities that results when such a program is implemented in an unbalanced and irresponsible way. You’ll hear why the NYCLU was involve in one of the lawsuits that has led to new limits on “Stop and Frisk” in New York City – and the hope for improvement in that city’s law enforcement community’s race relations.
Still Fighting for Voting Rights
Over 70 years ago, a brave young woman was among the first African-Americans to defy threats from the Ku Klux Klan and Jim Crow-era literacy tests, and successfully register to vote in North Carolina. Now age 92, Rosa Nell Eaton finds herself fighting for those rights all over again. Recently arrested for taking part in the “Moral Monday” protests, she tells us why she’s still on the front lines of this battle, and NC NAACP head Rev. William Barber explains the ugly details of voter disenfranchisement 2.0.