Occupy Interfaith: Harvard’s Chris Stedman Extended Interview
As the global “Occupy” movement continues to grow, last week the Huffington Post published a compelling article headlined Occupy Interfaith: Why Millennials, Including the [...]
As the global “Occupy” movement continues to grow, last week the Huffington Post published a compelling article headlined Occupy Interfaith: Why Millennials, Including the [...]
We’re always thrilled to welcome back repeat guests on State of Belief, and our next guest first joined us all the way back in 2010! An interfaith activist, humanist leader, author, and educator, [...]
If you’ve been following the race thus far, you know how extreme the statements of the presidential primary’s official “culture warrior” continue to be. Knowing how offensive Rick Santorum’s [...]
People who are of different religious backgrounds but are politically progressive and very similar to one another in that sense – that kind of interfaith organizing is valuable, and there [...]
Chris Stedman, the Managing Director of State of Formation, a new initiative at the Journal of Inter-Religious Dialogue. Chris also serves on the Leadership Team of the Common Ground Campaign, a [...]
The November 20-21, 2010 edition of State of Belief Radio will feature a non-believer’s interfaith activism, the challenges of religious journalism in the Tea Party age, and the ethics of [...]
Tune in this weekend to Interfaith Alliance’s weekly radio show and podcast State of Belief to hear an update on the state of the 2012 race with Greg Lebel, one perspective of what Americans of [...]
In many quarters, there exists the unfortunate truth of a deep mistrust and suspicion between people of different faiths and of no faith. It’s a divisiveness that feeds on stereotypes and [...]
Chris Stedman, the Interfaith and Community Service Fellow for the Humanist Chaplaincy at Harvard University and founder of the first blog dedicated to exploring atheist-interfaith engagement, [...]
Welton is joined this week by Chris Stedman, the Interfaith and Community Service Fellow for the Humanist Chaplaincy at Harvard University and the Founder of the first blog dedicated to exploring [...]