It’s always been the case, in self defense for example, that if you have a way to run away, that you are supposed to do that rather than use deadly force – that’s of course in traditional legal understanding of self-defense. But now, with Stand Your Ground, that’s not necessary; so you can use force, and in a lot of cases, get away with it. – Rev. Dr. Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite

There’s been no letup in public debate regarding Stand Your Ground Laws since the George Zimmerman verdict in Florida last month. It’s a national topic – and no wonder: 31 states have some version on the books. Rev. Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite, a writer and theologian at Chicago Theological Seminary, wrote an insightful piece on the moral implications of “Stand Your Ground” that appeared in the Washington Post “On Faith” section, and she will be joining us on State of Belief Radio to talk about the harm such laws do to both those who die – and those who kill – under the auspices of such legislation.

Click the “play” button above to hear the interview. To download this audio, click hereDownload Scroll down to read the transcript. To hear the entire August 10, 2013 State of Belief Radio program, click here.

Don't Stand Your Ground: Susan Thistlethwaite State of Belief Radio Interview, August 10, 2013

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