Welton will welcome back to the program Rabbi Jack Moline, President of the Interfaith Alliance. On this episode, Welton and Jack will discuss a range of topics and updates from inside the [...]
If you listen to State of Belief, it’s a safe bet that you have an appreciation for how essential communication and cooperation across lines of religious differences really are. In a diverse [...]
Meticulous data is regularly published which concur with this trend that Americans are identifying less and less with organized religion. Dr. Greg Smith, associate director of the Pew Research [...]
For a number of years now, it has been common knowledge for experts and average Americans alike that there is a steady decline in religious affiliation. Indeed, it seems to be one of the few [...]
We talk often on State of Belief about theocrats, Christian supremacism, and the politicians who pander to these ideologies. The annual Values Voter Summit, sponsored by groups like the Family [...]
There is a well-earned distrust most LGBTQ Catholics feel for a Church that officially labeled them “intrinsically disordered.” In the face of systemic discrimination against LGBTQ [...]
This past Tuesday, Democratic presidential candidates took the debate stage once more, this time in Ohio. While commentary from experts inside the beltway is valuable, it is essential to hear [...]
In perhaps the most blatant and concerning step yet towards Christian supremacism, the Trump administration’s Attorney General William Barr made an outrageous speech this week claiming Christians [...]
Our country is at its most politically divided in decades, and it seems that this divide is only growing deeper. However, in the face of rising animosities, organizations such as OneAmerica are [...]
Some of President Trump’s most enthusiastic cheerleaders come from the far-right evangelical movement. Few know the inside workings of this powerful community as well as Frank Schaffer, who spent [...]