President John F. Kennedy’s 1960 speech on religion in the public square has become a popular topic in the news of late, following Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum’s [...]
While Santorum continues to pander to those voters who aren’t satisfied with simply disagreeing with President Obama, others, including Rev. Franklin Graham, are persisting in insinuating there [...]
As challenges to the Obama administration’s contraception coverage mandate multiply, the courts seem to be recognizing unprecedented new faith-based claims of conscience in private business. This [...]
Amish communities may be a familiar landmark on our religious and cultural landscape, but in many ways the Amish Church remains a mystery to most Americans. This week we are lucky enough to get a [...]
As his star has risen in the Republican presidential primary, former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum has been rock-steady in his culture warrior persona. The same extremist rhetoric that [...]
Tune in this weekend to Interfaith Alliance’s weekly radio show and podcast State of Belief to hear a discussion of religious liberty from four different angles – the mainstream media, the Amish, [...]
It’s become obvious that there is a deep gap between the America in which real people live, and the America we see political leaders talking about on the news 24/7. Dr. Robert P. Jones, CEO and [...]
With the war in Iraq officially over and “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” relegated to the history books, the military has become a less-frequently discussed news item. But for men and women on active [...]
While the media focused on the US Conference of Catholic Bishops’ opposition to the Obama administration contraception mandate, the USCCB’s Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development has [...]
It’s become obvious that there is a deep gap between the America in which real people live and the America we see political leaders talking about on the news 24/7. Dr. Robert P. Jones, CEO and [...]