This weekend on State of Belief, we remember Walter Cronkite who passed away earlier this year at the age of 92. Host Welton Gaddy is joined in studio by Cronkite’s producer at CBS, Sandy [...]
This weekend on State of Belief, does religious diversity on the Supreme Court matter? Host Welton Gaddy speaks with Slate‘s legal correspondent, Dahlia Lithwick, about faith, [...]
From the New York Times Religion Journal In Montana, a rabbi is an unusual sight. So when a Hasidic one walked into the State Capitol last December, with his long beard, black hat and long black [...]
This weekend on State of Belief, the Supreme Court recently decided to take up a case that pits a Christian student organization against a college’s anti-discrimination policy. Los Angeles [...]
This weekend on State of Belief, the country of Uganda is currently debating a law that would make homosexuality a crime punishable by death. Kapya Kaoma from Political Research Associates joins [...]
Pastor Rick Warren has found himself in hot water over anti-homosexual legislation in Uganda, and the critique is totally warranted. Warren has close ties to the country where he works primarily [...]