Perhaps more than any other modern president, Jimmy Carter identified himself very publicly and explicitly as a person guided by faith. At the same time, he was also a consistent defender of [...]
Happy Independence Day Weekend! In this episode of The State of Belief, Interfaith Alliance’s weekly podcast and radio program, host Rev. Paul Brandeis Raushenbush interviews Rev. Thomas [...]
Dr. Diana Butler Bass joins Welton on State of Belief this week to talk about her new book “Christianity After Religion: The End of Church and the Birth of A New Spiritual Awakening.” [...]
There’s been a flurry of American Catholic bishops who, perhaps emboldened by the media attention to their claims of violations of religious liberty, seem to be getting ever-louder in [...]
Standing in the crowd of nearly 2 million people during the inauguration in Washington, DC, I was please to hear President Obama speak of our country in such an inclusive way….. “For we know that [...]
In Today’s News: Religion at the DNC! You don’t say… Democrats make faith push at convention as Pentecostals lead Democratic faith outreach. Evangelical Democrats hope to turn a [...]