Perhaps more than any other modern president, Jimmy Carter identified himself very publicly and explicitly as a person guided by faith. At the same time, he was also a consistent defender of [...]
Rev. Ron LaRocque, Pastor of the Metropolitan Community Church in Winston-Salem, who opposes the North Carolina state legislature’s recent passage of a law to allow a vote on an anti-marriage [...]
Discussions about plans to build an Islamic Community Center two blocks away from Ground Zero now include the voice of former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, who had this to say on the [...]
The following is cross-posted from the Washington Post/Newsweek On Faith forum: I am delighted to hear President Obama speaking to the Muslim world in a part of the Muslim world and not just [...]
The Supreme Court ruled unanimously today that the sect of Summum can’t force Pleasant Grove City, Utah to add a religious monument of their own to a public park that already has one of the [...]
Religion is not only at the crux of electoral and international politics, its influence has also been on the rise in the past few decades. Naturally, the most religiously diverse nation in the [...]
Way to go, Kathleen Parker! Today’s column, “Giving Up on God,” may be a little over-the-top even for Ms. Parker, but it made me laugh and nod my head in agreement, so I’m more than happy to pass [...]
I generally turn CNN on in the evenings and then ignore it, but my ears perked up when I heard Campbell Brown, in the “Cutting Through the Bull” segment of “Campbell Brown: [...]
Last week, we wrote to Interfaith Alliance’s members about the Alliance Defense Fund’s (ADF) manipulative “Pulpit Initiative,” a project encouraging Christian pastors to [...]