In 2021

Whether we admit it or not, the extremism and division of the last four years hasn’t disappeared with a new presidential administration. This week on State of Belief, Interfaith Alliance’s radio program and podcast, we’ll talk about how the challenges of xenophobia and racism still demand our focus and attention–and we’ll learn what exactly is happening in the far right movements that have transformed our country.

Bishop Minerva Carcaño, a leading voice on the ethical and religious mandate for caring for the displaced and the desperate, will join host Rev. Welton Gaddy to discuss how the Biden-Harris administration has addressed the worst excesses of the previous  administration’s immigration policy–and what work remains to be done.

Welton will also sit down with Rev. James Forbes, Jr., President of the Healing of the Nations Foundation, to discuss how racism is tearing at the moral fabric of our country. We’ll talk about how increasing diversity in a range of leadership roles has helped us move in the right direction, and what challenges lie ahead in healing the wounds of bigotry and division.

Finally, People For the American Way Senior Fellow Peter Montgomery will join Welton to discuss what he saw while covering last week’s Conservative Political Action Conference, where Joe Biden apparently never got elected president.

State of Belief is made possible in great part by the generous support of our listeners. Please consider making a donation to help keep us on the air at this critical time. Details can be found at our donations page here.

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