On Tuesday, attorneys in the so-called gay wedding cake case appeared before the Supreme Court for oral argument (not pictured.) At the center of the case is a baker who denied service to a gay couple, claiming that baking them a wedding cake would violate his religious beliefs. This is a particularly apt backdrop for this week’s State of Belief, Interfaith Alliance’s radio show and podcast, which features highlights from a recent discussion among religious freedom activists and legal experts (pictured.)
The panel discussion was held this past week in Philadelphia and organized by Americans United for Separation of Church and State. Formally titled “Separation Anxiety: Defending the Church-State Wall in the Age of Trump,” our host Rev. Welton Gaddy spoke alongside Pedro Irigonegaray, a fellow with the International Academy of Trial Lawyers; Maggie Garrett, Legislative Director of Americans United; and Mikey Weinstein, founder and president of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation. The discussion was moderated by Nina Burleigh, national politics correspondent for Newsweek Magazine.
Welton also interviewed two of the panelists after the formal presentation ended, and you’ll hear those conversations as well. With the political Religious Right ascendant and President Trump and Congressional Republicans catering to their every whim, it’s more important than even to defend church-state separation.