A number of minority groups have been in the political and cultural crosshairs of late, perhaps none more so than American Muslims. This week on State of Belief, Interfaith Alliance’s radio show and podcast, we’ll speak with a researcher who recently conducted a comprehensive survey of American Muslims and will share the key findings with us.
Host Rev. Welton Gaddy will be joined by Dalia Mogahed, Research Director for the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, for a data-based look at how the 2016 election, President Trump’s Muslim ban and the surge in Islamophobia have weighed on American Muslims. This is the second such survey conducted by Mogahed, and we look forward to hearing her analysis of the past year. You won’t want to miss it.
Deep cuts to government programs that help the poor and the needy may be politically popular with many Americans right now, but are those cuts moral? Sister Simone Campbell, executive director of the Catholic social justice group NETWORK and the original Nun on the Bus, will discuss the moral aspects of Trump’s proposed federal budget with Welton.
With Easter and Passover both less than two weeks away, we’ll revisit a 2013 conversation with interfaith family advocate Susan Katz Miller, author of “Being Both: Embracing Two Religions in One Interfaith Family.” Finally, we’ll close the show with an excerpt from our conversation with Gold Star dad, Muslim activist and attorney Khizr Khan. On Tuesday evening in Washington, DC, Khan will receive the 2017 Walter Cronkite Faith & Freedom Award from Interfaith Alliance in recognition of his work promoting democratic values, religious freedom and civil discourse.