America is no longer a majority white Christian nation. This week on State of Belief, Interfaith Alliance’s radio show and podcast, we grapple with what that means for the nation. Our host Rev. Welton Gaddy will be joined by Dr. Robert Jones, author of the consequential new book, “The End of White Christian America.”
Jones, who heads the Public Religion Research Institute, is an expert on the changing demographics of the United States. He will discuss the impact of these changes, both on our culture and politics, and what to expect in the coming years.
Welton will also speak with Rabbi Jack Moline, president of Interfaith Alliance, about the critical need to heal the many divides in our nation. They will discuss how we can, and must, respond to recent tragedies with a committed and unrelenting search for common ground.
Finally, we’ll discuss the latest political developments with Greg Lebel, Assistant Professor of Political Management at George Washington University. Primary season is over, and the parties are busy hammering out their platforms. Find out where we go from here.