This weekend, tune in to Interfaith Alliance’s weekly radio show and podcast State of Belief to learn more about human rights activist Mitchell Gold, the recipient of the President’s Award at our annual dinner on November 11; to find out how an atheist found common ground with the religious; and to hear some last-minute, pre-election thoughts from Welton as we prepare to head to the polls on Tuesday.

All of us here at State of Belief and the Interfaith Alliance hope that however you were affected by Superstorm Sandy, that the waters have receded and your lights are back on. We know that is still not the case for everyone, and we hope that you have found refuge and are safe and dry.

And the winner is . . .
State of Belief is a production of Interfaith Alliance. Last week, we spent some time learning a bit more about Welton Gaddy, who is being honored for his 15 years of service at the Alliance’s annual gala ceremony in New York City on November 11. This week, we meet Mitchell Gold, who will be receiving the President’s Award at the same gala. A successful businessman in North Carolina, Mr. Gold has worked tirelessly in pursuit of reconciliation between religious and other communities and LGBT persons, especially young people, who are deeply hurt by the ostracism they all too often experience.

In many quarters, there exists the unfortunate truth of a deep mistrust and suspicion between people of different faiths and of no faith. It’s a divisiveness that feeds on stereotypes and preconceived notions. This week, we chat with one young man who is busy breaking down stereotypes – Chris Stedman, Harvard University’s assistant Humanist Chaplain and the Values in Action Coordinator for the Humanist Community Project at Harvard. Mr. Stedman joins Welton to talk about his new book, Faitheist: How an Atheist Found Common Ground with the Religious, which comes out on Tuesday.

A Word from Welton on the Election
The end is near. That is the end of the nonstop television ads and robocalls. Election Day is on Tuesday and this week, Welton shares some final thoughts on the election and the case for the separation of church and ballot box. He hopes you’ll keep his thoughts in mind with you when you head into the voting booth. Watch video and read transcript here.

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