Rev. Ron LaRocque, Pastor of the Metropolitan Community Church in Winston-Salem, who opposes the North Carolina state legislature’s recent passage of a law to allow a vote on an anti-marriage equality constitutional amendment in the May 2012 primary. No public comment was allowed. LaRocque talks about the fast he undertook in response and the risks and opportunities he sees coming from the upcoming vote. Hear the extended interview and read the transcript here.
Prof. Paul Froese, Professor of Sociology at Baylor University, on the new Baylor Religious Survey’s findings, revealing that people who believe in a God who is actively involved in their lives are significantly more likely to oppose government aid to the needy and to believe there is one right solution to societal problems. Hear the extended interview and read the transcript here.
Jay Michaelson, founding director of Nehirim: GLBT Jewish Culture and Spirituality, on a recent piece he wrote in Religion Dispatches, in light of this week’s execution of Troy Davis in Georgia. He says the major religions are ambiguous in their support of capital punishment, despite death penalty advocates framing it as an absolute value. He is author of the soon to be published “God vs. Gay: The Religious Case for Equality.” Hear the extended interview and read the transcript here.