Happy New Year!
On the first State of Belief Radio program for 2011, Rev. Gaddy discusses the concept of renewal for the New Year, and avoiding burnout during demanding times, with Rabbi Irwin Kula. Rabbi Kula was listed four years in a row in Newsweek as one of America’s “Top Ten Rabbis,” and is the author of the award winning book, Yearnings: Embracing the Sacred Messiness of Life. He is the President of CLAL-The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership.
One of he highlights of the past year for us was the Walter Cronkite Faith and Freedom Awards, which Interfaith Alliance gave to Chautaqua Institution Department of Religion Director Rev. Dr. Joan Brown Campbell, and MSNBC host and defender of religious liberty Rachel Maddow.
We’ve offered a few excerpts on a previous show, but wanted to present an expanded edition because both awardees offer insights, perspectives and even a few laughs that will all be worth remembering as we move into a new year – and unavoidably, a new election cycle.