This weekend on State of Belief, what does it mean to be an American Catholic today? Kerry Kennedy, daughter of Robert F. Kennedy, shares insight from her new book. And, an advertising campaign reaches out to non-believers this holiday season. Plus, a look at new ground in Muslim-Jewish relations.
Host Welton Gaddy speaks with Rabbi Marc Schneier, president of The Foundation for Ethnic Understanding, and Dr. Sayyid Muhammad Syeed, former secretary general of the Islamic Society of North America, about a weekend of “twinning”, in which 50 mosques and 50 synagogues from across the U.S. and Canada will come together for interfaith dialogue.
Plus, season’s greetings for the god-less. Fred Edwords, director of communications for the American Humanist Association, joins Welton to discuss new holiday ads now appearing on Washington, D.C.-area buses. Pictures of the ads can be viewed here and for more information on humanism, visit the website of the American Humanist Association.
Author and activist Kerry Kennedy tells Welton what she learned about Catholicism after speaking with 37 prominent Americans about their faith. She has compiled their stories and her own in a new book, Being Catholic Now: Prominent Americans Talk About Change in the Church and the Quest for Meaning.
And, find out what one mega church pastor is telling his congregants could be the cure for the anxieties of modern life…
Religion and radio done differently – this weekend on State of Belief.