In 2008

After a week in which Reverend Jeremiah Wright was everywhere, State of Belief takes a long hard look at what the well-known pastor’s recent speeches mean for America’s national dialogue about race, religion and of course, presidential politics…

Dwight Hopkins, professor of black liberation theology at the Universtiy of Chicago Divinity School joins host Welton Gaddy to discuss what the media has gotten wrong when covering the Wright controversy…

Journalist Sally Quinn of the Washington Post and Reverend James Forbes of Riverside Church in New York City both share their thoughts on Reverend Wright’s speech at the National Press Club.

And in a Preaching to the Choir segment, Host Welton Gaddy weighs in what the Wright-Obama flap can teach us about the importance of NOT mixing pastors and presidential politics….



State of Belief explores the intersection of religion with politics, culture, media, and activism. Through interviews with newsmakers and celebrities, reports from the field, and his own commentary, Welton shows how religion and radical freedom are best friends and how the religious right is wrong – wrong for America and bad for religion.

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