This weekend on State of Belief, will President-elect Barack Obama reignite a culture war by overturning the ban on federal funding for stem cell research? Host Welton Gaddy speaks with Congresswoman Diana Degette, a leading proponent of expanding stem cell research.  Plus, a look at the recent split in the Episcopalian Church and some foreign policy advice for the new administration…

Host Welton Gaddy speaks with Bishop Jane Holmes Dixon about the recent break-away church formed by conservative American and Canadian Episcopalians.  Bishop Dixon is Senior Advisor for Interrelligious Affairs for the Interfaith Alliance and she is the second woman to serve as a bishop in the Episcopalian Church.  She was the Episcopalian Bishop of Washington, D.C. until 2002.

And, foreign policy expert Andrew Bacevich joins Welton for a look at the end of the evangelical foreign policy of George W. Bush.   Bacevich has some advice for the president – elect and it does not include asking, What Would Jesus Do? Andrew Bacevich is Professor of International Relations and History at Boston University. His latest book is The Limits of Power: The End of American Exceptionalism.  His Boston Globe article on evangelical foreign policy is available here.

Plus, Congresswoman Diana Degette talks with Welton about science, stem cells and the backlash from the Religious Right.  Diana Degette is a congresswoman from Colorado currently serving her sixth term in the US House of Representatives.  She is the author of Sex, Science, and Stem Cells: Inside the Right Wing Assault on Reason.

And don’t forget to send us your favorite moments from State of Belief in 2008!  We are compiling a list of listeners’ favorites, so tell us which segments you remember and why…don’t be shy…Share your comments here.


Religion and radio done differently – this weekend on State of Belief.

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