Why do so many young Americans call Christianity hypocritical, insincere, judgmental, and sheltered? David Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons, the authors of the book unChristian, tell us about their research on a new generation’s perception of religion.

Plus, the National Religious Campaign Against Torture is offering a faith-based reaction to U.S. torture policies. We’ll hear from NRCAT President Linda Gustitus on the organization’s “Spotlight on Torture” initiative.

And we’ll have details about the Conference on Mormonism and American Politics being held at Princeton University.


State of Belief explores the intersection of religion with politics, culture, media, and activism. Through interviews with newsmakers and celebrities, reports from the field, and his own commentary, Welton shows how religion and radical freedom are best friends and how the religious right is wrong – wrong for America and bad for religion.

State of Belief
Religion and radio, done differently
Brought to you by The Interfaith Alliance Foundation
Saturday morning 10am-11am ET and Sunday evening 7pm-8pm ET
Air America Radio Network

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