Multiple states, including Alabama and Missouri, this week passed the harshest restrictions yet on abortion in an attempt by some conservatives to spur a lawsuit that causes the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade. Amid the headlines it can seem like the culture war over abortion has always been this way. However, the reality is that around 1984, Evangelical circles abruptly changed position, making opposing abortion their number one goal, joining Catholics. But even Catholic opposition to abortion has not been unanimous throughout the history of the Church. Dr. Daniel C. Maguire, professor emeritus of Moral Theological Ethics at Marquette University, will join Welton this week to talk about the historical position of the Catholic Church, which he detailed in his latest article for Religion Dispatches at Rewire News: “St. Antoninus: The Patron Saint of Pro-Choice Catholics.”
Hear the full May 18, 2019 State of Belief Radio program here.