I don’t care what religion, what name, what label you put into this. That human capacity for doing good, human ability to reveal good or bounce back from these dark moments is not limited to things that we can only see. There are unseen moments where history changes its discourse and humanity comes back to its senses. I believe in those unseen forces.
Imam Abdullah Antepli is Associate Professor of the Practice of Interfaith Relations at the Duke University Divinity School and the Sanford School of Public Policy. Abdullah is a globally acknowledged scholar and leader of cross-religious and cross-cultural dialogue in American higher education and the not-for-profit world.
As many communities are suffering extreme polarization in the face of the Israel-Hamas conflict, he joins Rev. Paul Brandeis Raushenbush to discuss ways this conflict is creating division and hate on college campuses and in the community at large, and to offer ways of connecting despite very real deeply personal and painful grief and loss.
Hear the full Januay 13, 2024 The State of Belief here