If you practice this, you’re a quack. There’s just no other word for it. You are doing damage; you are not upholding the oath to take care of people’s mental health.” – Kate Kendell, NCLR

Over the past few years, the snake-oil industry of “ex-gay” therapy has suffered some significant blows. Exodus International folded its tents in the US, and Alan Chambers offered an apology for its misguided work. Prominent former ex-gay leader Jonathan Paulk recently published an apology in Politico. But none of this has stopped a particular strain of conservative religion from continuing to promote this as a valid way to, quote, “walk out of the homosexual lifestyle.”

Taking concrete action to say “enough is enough” is the National Center for Lesbian Rights, which has just launched its #bornperfect campaign. Executive Director Kate Kendell spoke to guest host Greg Lebel about this important initiative.


Click the “play” button above to hear the interview. To download this audio, click hereDownloadScroll down to read transcript. To hear the entire July 26, 2014 State of Belief Radio program, click here.

#bornperfect: NCLR Kate Kendell State of Belief Radio Interview July 26, 2014

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