Yesterday, the House Judiciary Committee passed out of committee a resolution that would reaffirm “In God We Trust” as our national motto and encourage its display on public buildings. The resolution, proposed by Rep. Randy Forbes (R-VA), has 64 cosponsors, 60 Republicans and 4 Democrats, so far. While Forbes and his supporters believe that “the legislation is needed to combat a concerted effort by some to drive all references to God out of public institutions,” it seems much more like a “purely political” waste of time.
As Interfaith Alliance President and State of Belief Host, Rev. Welton Gaddy noted in his press statement on the legislation:
“Contrary to what some members of the Judiciary Committee might suggest, and despite the religious freedom concerns raised by employing the phrase ‘In God We Trust’ as a national motto for a country that was built on ensuring the proper boundaries between religion and government, there is no real danger of that motto being replaced.”
And while Forbes claims that “Congress can multi-task several issues,” I have to agree with Rev. Gaddy that “The religious freedoms of American citizens are certainly at risk and the Judiciary Committee’s time would be much better spent holding hearings on issues like religious freedom in the workplace, charitable choice programs and the faith-based initiative” that will make a positive impact in preserving fundamental American freedoms.