Have you seen the latest web ad from the McCain campaign? If you thought comparing Obama to Paris Hilton and Britney Spears was weird, check this out:
This is one of the most bizarre ads I have ever seen. If your computer crashes 1:00 into the ad, you would probably think that Obama’s campaign (or at least a friendly 527 group) had put this together. I think a lot of viewers will get the exact wrong impression about the message.
Some people thinks this ad makes Obama look like the anti-Christ. I will leave that for the theologians to debate. Fortunately, we have a theologian on staff: Rev. Welton Gaddy, President of the Interfaith Alliance, was interviewed about the ad on the Politically Direct show on Air America this weekend. Cue up to the 76:00 mark and take a listen:
I know that the Karl Rove playbook states you take your opponents greatest strength and make it a weakness. But this ad seems only to reinforce Obama’s popular appeal. If you want to make Obama look presumptuous or arrogant, comparing him to Britney or Paris makes more sense than a beloved ancient religious figure. James Dobson has never compared Obama to Moses, so I am surprised that the McCain campaign would do so, especially considering McCain’s aversion to talking about religion on the stump.
As staff member of the Interfaith Alliance, I am offended that the McCain campaign would drag Moses’ name through the mud in order to score political points. The Obama campaign was right to criticize the ad as “juvenile.”
As a veteran of several political campaigns, I am more offended that the McCain campaign’s attempt to score political points was so feeble and seemingly silly (which is a change in tactics from prior elections).
But enough of my pontificating (pun-not-fully-intended). What do you think of this ad?