Here’s what’s coming up this weekend on State of Belief Radio –
A growing number of women have had it with Donald Trump – and with conservative leaders who are excusing his, quote, “locker room talk.” This is particularly true in some faith communities. We’ll talk with the Rev. Jennifer Crumpton, author of the book Femmevangelical: The Modern Girl’s Guide to the Good News and founder of and Faith Not Fear ’16.

Welton Gaddy with Greg Lebel
Also, taking the pulse of both presidential campaigns a week after the second debate. Political expert Greg Lebel will be back with us. Greg is a veteran of several presidential campaigns, and is Assistant Professor of Political Management at George Washington University in the nation’s capital.
And we’ll get the insightful perspective of New York Magazine writer Rebecca Traister, who has spoken out compellingly on the gender issues on display last Sunday night in St. Louis in an article headlined Trump’s One Public Service Was Exposing the Misogyny of the GOP, as well as an appearance on MSNBC’s All In With Chris Hayes. Rebecca is the author of the books Big Girls Don’t Cry: The Election That Changed Everything for American Women and All the Single Ladies: Unmarried Women and the Rise of an Independent Nation (Out in paperback just this week!)
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